Thursday, January 14, 2010

Vinny's Smile......

Since the day Vinny was born there is one thing that hasn't changed; and that is his smile.  I truely do have a happy boy.  Today I was playing with him on the floor and thought about the fact that he is always smiling....and always has that twinkle in his eye.  I love it!!!

Soooo...I thought it would be fun to blog about the many reasons for his smile.

Vinny Smiles When......

* you tickle his toes                    * you help him walk and chase his brother
* he watches commercials           * you sing to him
* you bounce him                       * you play peek-a-boo
* you put him in his jumpy chair  * you feed him
* you play with him on the floor  * you smile at him

Many people also make him smile.  Here are just a few of Vinnys favorite people.

Vinny loves his Daddy.  He knows how to make him laugh with lots of kisses and tickles.  Daddy likes to pretend he is wrestling with him and Vinny loves this!  He also likes to put Vinny on top of his shoulders and this always gets Vinny to smile.  He feels like such a big boy!

 Vinny loves his brother too.  He gets so excited when he sees Jake.  Jake is so sweet to him and almost always trys to include Vinny when he plays by showing him his toy or asking Vinny to chase him (with the help of mom, of course)....this makes Vinny laugh so hard.  He LOVES when we do this!

Vinny loves his Nonna (grandma).  She is the only one that he absolutely loves to slobber all over her face....with kisses of course ;)  It is actually quite cute!  Nonna sings to him, rocks him and tells him lots of storys while he sits in his chair and watches her cook. 

Of all of Vinnys favorite people, we can not forget his Nonno (grandpa).  Nonno absolutely LOVES Vinny!  Vinny smiles anytime he sees his Nonno walk into the room.  Nonno plays peek-a-boo with him, sits with him and gives him sooooo many kisses....but Vinny never minds!  You can tell his Nonno is very special to him.

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