Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trying New Things!

Well since Vinny is getting a little bit bigger, he has been trying new forms of therapy with his Physical Therapist.  Both forms are designed for him to start moving his legs and hips properly in a walking position.  The first photo is from today and Dawn (his therapist) said he did very well in it.  She did assist his legs a bit.  Vinny actually liked this one; and I have to say also, that this was his very first appointment in 6 months that he did not cry or put up a fuss!!  WOW!

This next photo however, he is clearly not happy at all.  This was taken 2 weeks ago.  Before I took this picture though, he had been playing in this stander against a chair, playing with some toys using his shoulders and arms very well. 

Either way, he is making very good progress.  In the beginning, I thought we would never get to this point; but he did and he is doing great.  We just got approved for another 5 months of therapy and I can't wait to see what he will be able to do in the coming months!
Good Work Vinny!

1 comment:

  1. Love your new blog
    To cute
    Your little man is even cutier

    Great job on it :D
