Monday, April 26, 2010

Todays OT/PT Appointments

So this was my view today at Children's Hospital while waiting for Vinny in his OT/PT appointments.  Let me tell you, since starting these appointments for Vinny, I have longed for the day that I would be able to sit next to this piece of art and just relax and enjoy the peace and quite.  Finally, the therapists kicked me out of the appointments and decided to work with Vinny without me in the room.  The idea behind this is to get better participation from him.  If I am in the room he screams the ENTIRE time, either because he doesn't want to be doing what he is doing, or mainly because I am not holding him. 

Going into this appointment today, I was really feeling as if these appointments where becoming pointless.  Don't get me wrong, Vinny has improved since the start, but lately we have been getting nowhere; since he would put up a big fuss from the time they started working with him.  I would leave the appointments just as exhausted as Vinny was from his crying...or should I say screaming.  That is why today was such a relief.  Even better, once the appointment was over with, both therapists said he did soooo well.  He finally cooperated for them; and even donned his sweet smile and laugh at times.  This makes me VERY happy!!  Hopefully this is the beginning of some more enjoyable appointments and even more progress.  As much as I would love to be in the room when Vinny does something new, I think we are all better off if I just stayed away.

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