Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On Hiatus.....

Okay, so as you can see, it has been a while since I have posted a new entry.  This entry is to officially inform you that I am on a blogging hiatus...(not that I wrote that often anyway.)

Life is a little busy these days, especially with spending any free time on my own school work, so just won't have the time.

I hope that when I return, I will have a few good entries for all of you.

Ciao for now!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Family Vacation

This past weekend we spent a few days in Wisconsin Dells at the Wilderness Resort.  It was a lot of fun.  Jake loved the water and all that they had for him to do.  Vinny had lots of fun too.  The very first ride we went on was a raft ride through a dark and winding tube.  Once we got to the end where there was light, I looked at Vinny and he is sitting with his arms straight out in front of him and his mouth wide open.  He loved it!!! 

It was great for all of us to get away as a family and have a little fun.  Here are a few photos of our family vacation.  Of course, no photos of me....again!  :)

First day of school!

Last week Wednesday Jake started 4k.  He had a great time and almost started crying when he had to leave.  He was totally ready for school and we had no problem whatsoever leaving eachother behind for a few hours.

Here are a few pics of Jakes first day............